Creating Multiple IIS Websites in one go

On January 14, 2010, in ColdFusion, Web Development, by Anuj Gakhar

I was assigned a task, recently, whereby I was given a list of about 100 domain names and I had to create all those websites on a fresh installation of IIS 6.0.  Naturally, I started looking for some kind of tool that would do this for me. After spending some time on search and asking a few people, I realized , there is no such tool (correct me if I am wrong here).

So, I thought of writing a little ColdFusion script that would do this for me. Turns out it wasnt that bad at all and it worked like a charm.

Here is the script I wrote.

<cfset sites = ["",""] />
<!— I have removed the actual site names from the list above—>

<!— loop over all the sites—>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(sites)#" index="i">
<!— see if the site folder exists—>
<cfset thisSite = sites[i] />
<cfset site_path = "c:/websites/#thisSite#">
<cfif NOT DirectoryExists(site_path)>
<!— create if does not exist already—>
<cfdirectory action="create" directory="#site_path#" />

<!— construct the IIS site creation command—>
<cfset iis_cmd = "c:\windows\system32\" & ‘iisweb.vbs /create c:\websites\#thisSite# "#thisSite#" /i IP_ADDRESS_HERE /d #thisSite# ‘>
<cfexecute name="c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe" arguments="#iis_cmd#" timeout="30" variable="strResult" />
<cfdump var = "#strResult#">


I took help from this article, which details the different attributes of the iisweb.vbs command-line utility.


6 Responses to Creating Multiple IIS Websites in one go

  1. Tunc says:

    Is this for 1 IP address for all the websites?

  2. Anuj Gakhar says:

    Yes I wanted it that way but you can change that to any IP or any host header.

  3. rad_g says:

    iisweb.vbs does not exist on windows 2008. on win2008 use powershell with microsoft.web.administration and

  4. Anuj Gakhar says:

    Radek, thanks for the info. I was actually using this on Win2003 Server. But if I happen to do it on 2008, I will keep this in mind. Hows it going these days ?

  5. Lorna says:

    Thanks for sharing this script, it is very helpful.

  6. You are amazing! Where did you learn to write such things??

    Thank you for sharing!

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