Easiest way to get Twitter Statuses with ColdFusion

On August 25, 2009, in ColdFusion, by Anuj Gakhar

This post of mine is coming after a long time, I know. The reason for this has been lack of time, being very busy with other things etc. I will try to be more frequent here hereafer.

Anyways, in a recent project, I had the requirement to show Twitter statuses on the homepage of the website I was working on. The first thing I did was, went straight to RiaForge and searched for any Twitter related CFC’s. I did find a couple of them and they all looked pretty good. However, since I only wanted to get the stautses and not the other fancy stuff like direct messages etc, I thought there must be an easier way of doing it.

That’s when I thought if the statuses are available as RSS feeds, I am done. CFFEED can do everything for me.


<cfset feedurl = "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/15172848.rss" />
<cffeed source="#feedurl#" properties="statusmeta" query="statuses" />


Thats it. The code above gives me a feed of my status updates in a ColdFusion query, which I can now use to display as I want. There are too many columns in the query with lots of useful information. I ended up using just the “rsslink” and “title” columns as those were the only 2 I wanted for my requirement.

Its nice to know that Twitter publishes these rss feeds and even nicer that I can use this in one line of code.

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3 Responses to Easiest way to get Twitter Statuses with ColdFusion

  1. […] Here is the original post: Easiest way to get Twitter Statuses with ColdFusion | Anuj … […]

  2. Anuj Gakhar says:

    @Steve, thanks for the link. Good information.

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